October 18-20, 2024

Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a sponsor to support The Camden Horse & Hound weekend.

Charity Polo Cup Sponsorships

Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and company name featured on all polo advertising and prominently
    displayed at the event
  • Participation in trophy awards presentation
  • Meet and greet polo teams and horses
  • Eight polo hospitality tent tickets with reserved table & ONE designated parking spot
  • Six Camden Horse & Hound Expo tickets with one ringside parking 
  • Four Friday night Denim & Diamonds tickets
(1 Available) Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and company name featured on all polo advertising and prominently
    displayed on field signage at the event
  • Meet and greet polo teams and horses
  • Eight polo hospitality tent tickets with reserved table & ONE designated parking spot
  • Six Camden Horse & Hound Expo tickets 
  • Four Friday night Denim & Diamonds tickets
(1 Available) Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and company name featured on all polo advertising and prominently
    displayed at the event
  • Meet and greet polo teams and horses
  • Half-time champagne toast and signage on champagne drink cart
  • Eight polo hospitality tent tickets with reserved table & ONE designated parking spot
  • Four Camden Horse & Hound Expo tickets
  • Two Friday night Denim & Diamonds tickets
(2 Available) Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and company name featured on your polo team uniforms, displayed on signage at the event, listed on event website, social media, and in printed program
  • Meet and greet polo teams and horses
  • Eight polo hospitality tent tickets with reserved table & ONE designated parking spot
  • Four Camden Horse & Hound Expo tickets
  • Two Friday night Denim & Diamonds tickets
Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and company name printed on signage at hospitality tent, listed on event website, and in printed program
  • Eight polo hospitality tent tickets with reserved table & ONE designated parking spot
(5 Available) Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and company name on signage at the event, listed on event website, and in printed program
  • Acknowledgement throughout your designated chukker by announcer
  • Two hospitality tent tickets
Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and company name listed on event website and in printed program 
  • Two hospitality tent tickets

Horse & Hound Expo + Denim & Diamonds Sponsorships

Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and name featured on all Expo advertising and prominently displayed at Denim & Diamonds and Expo
  • One designated ringside parking space at Expo
  • Ten Expo tickets
  • Invitation to attend Saturday morning Stirrup Cup at The Camden Hunt fixture
  • Four Polo Cup Hospitality Tent tickets with reserved seating & ONE designated parking spot
  • Four Denim & Diamonds tickets
Sponsorship Benefits
  • Logo and name featured on all Expo advertising and prominently displayed at Denim & Diamonds and Expo 
  • One designated ringside parking space at Expo 
  • Six Expo tickets 
  • Invitation to attend Saturday morning Stirrup Cup at The Camden Hunt fixture
  • Two Polo Cup Hospitality Tent tickets and parking spot
  • Two Denim & Diamonds tickets
Sponsorship Benefits
  • Recognition on event website, selected social media pages and selected printed materials 
  • One designated ringside parking space at Expo 
  • Four Expo tickets 
  • Invitation to attend Saturday morning Stirrup Cup at The Camden Hunt fixture
  • Two Polo Cup Hospitality Tent tickets 
  • Two Denim & Diamonds tickets
Sponsorship Benefits
  • Recognition on event website, selected social media pages and selected printed materials 
  • One designated parking space at Expo 
  • Two Expo tickets
  • Invitation to attend Saturday morning Stirrup Cup at The Camden Hunt fixture
Sponsorship Benefits
  • Recognition on event website and selected printed materials
  • Invitation to attend Saturday morning Stirrup Cup at The Camden Hunt fixture

In kind donations

If you want to offer in-kind services or volunteer your time to help with the Horse & Hound event, please contact us and let us know how you would like to help.